

1st-5th Grade

If your student is struggling with math, I'm here to help! I work with my students using various techniques to help improve the intuition behind the work they are doing. I ensure my students are setup for future courses

Algebra and Geometry


I can help your student use puzzles and logic to help smooth their transition from Algebra to Geometry. For many this switch can seem daunting, but with a shift in mindset, you can see the big picture



Precalculus may be a tough transition for you rstudent, but I'm here to help! With structured projects detailing real world examples, I can help your student through this difficult transition through math subjects



Middle School

The human body can be as miraculous as it is confusing. When working through tough subjects, it helps to get one on one help to help appreciate the wonder of it. 



I have a custom designed physics curriculum that enabled me to completely self study the AP Physics 2 curriculum on my own, and succeed on the exam. With interactive labs, resources, and lectures, I can help get your student at any physics level where they need to be.



With a styled chemistry supplemental chemistry curriculum, I can help your student understand balancing chemical reactions, thermodynamics, to Lewis structures, I have the proficiency and skill to help your student gain a deeper understanding of the chemical sciences.

Computer Science


Mddle School

Let me walk your student through the engineering and design process. From the Arduino, to the raspberry pi, I can provide hands on help to any project they need. When a student is struggling with computer science, they need a steady environment to learn. 

Game Design

Middle School

Does your student want to learn to develop their own games? I offer multiple levels to help them get started wherever they may be. From work in Scratch, to modelling your own characters, learning to design simple games is a great way to familiarize yourself with computer science!


I can work in any environment needed for my students, along with flexible hours.

Work from anywhere

If you opt for an online tuition, you can learn from anywhere your heart desires! If you prefer an in-person learning style, just let me know and we can schedule a time and place.

Always available

My modular schedule and time management means I always have time for my students, and for any brief questions they may have.


Every person is unique, and that is reflected in their schedule. My system allows me to design adaptable meeting schedules around your needs. Whether its right before a test, or just late night homework help, I've got you covered

Flexible Payment

I know that different students may have different needs. Whether its basic homework help, to full blown tutoring, I offer flexible rates to match my student


In all of my curriculums, I have centered modern techniques and tools so that all you need is your class work and a laptop! 


My grading is fast and effective. t I can get your student's work back to them ASAP so they have time to review their errors and check them with me.